

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The 12 days of silence

During the last 12 days I have not posted, however I have been learning a lot about life, love, and what my next step is going to be.

The lessons I've learned are; filing for unemployment SUCKS! Don't get to cocky with your abilities. (I successfully got an interview for an office position, however I didn't get the job because I'm to advanced for the stone age.) Over all I think one of the main things I've learned is that when you fall down you've gotta get back up, even if that means starting over.

My husband runs a computer business, small time for now but constantly growing. He has had his failures and he has had his victories. Watching him go through this time of growth has made me stop and think about what I want to be doing with my life and my career. I don't want to continuously work for other people. I was born to be a leader and to make my own path as I always have. I've always wanted to have my own photography business, write a book, sell arts, crafts, and baked goods.

My question to myself was; why have I spent so much time trying to fit into something I'm not? I was beautifully and wonderfully made for a purpose and I'm doing everything outside of that purpose. So, this blog marks the dawning of a new era; the ME era and I can't wait to see what comes of it.

I plan on venturing into new business endeavors, a refreshed relationship with God, and a new adventure with my hubby. I'm so excited and I can't wait!